docendo discimus ("we learn by teaching")
The comprehensive education and training of future lawyers is very important to us.
We offer one spot for a legal traineeship. The traineeship generally takes 12 months. It is necessary to have completed legal education and an internship with a judicial authority before taking the position. Multiple languages are preferred. We also expect an independent and precise working style, ability to work under pressure and a sense of responsibility. In return we offer a comprehensive and interesting training opportunity with in-depth work in the theory and practice of everyday legal work and the goal of optimal preparation for the bar exams for attorneys at law.
Please send your application documents to us electronically ( or by post (Dominique Schurtenberger, Rechtsanwalt und Notar, Thunstrasse 84, P.O. Box 31, 3074 Muri b. Bern). We are looking forward to hear from you!
The trainee spots are currently held by:
- April 1st 2022 – March 31st 2023: Joëlle Truschner
- April 1st 2023 – March 31st 2024: Simon Zangger